Basic Policy on Anti-Social Forces
Last modified: February 15, 2012
The Company has established a basic stance on corporate defense against anti-social forces based on Article 2 of the "Provisions on the Basic Policy on the Compliance System".
Corporate defense from antisocial forces
- Maintain the value of the company through its stance of confronting antisocial forces that threaten the order and safety of civil society in a resolute manner.
- In order to realize this code, we will declare the "Policies for dealing with anti-social forces" as follows.
- We respond to unfair demands of anti-social forces as a whole under the representative director.
- Ensure the safety of employees who respond to the unreasonable demands of antisocial forces.
- In order to prepare against the unreasonable demands of antisocial forces, we will build close relationships with external specialized organizations on a regular basis.
- There is no relationship with antisocial forces, including business relationships In addition, we will resolutely deny any unfair request by antisocial forces.
- We will respond legally to both unfair demands of antisocial forces, both civil and criminal.
- Even if the unreasonable demands of antisocial forces may lead to business scandals and employee scandals I will never make a fraudulent deal to cover up the case.
- We will never provide funding for antisocial forces.